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各位好 又见面了 我是曹操 今天给大家带来一篇新的教程

希望各位细心学习 低调用网

unshadow /etc/passwd > hash.txt
john --user=root --wordlist=passwd hash.txt


John是一种密码破解工具,它是Kali Linux自带的。它支持使用密码本进行破解。John主要用于破解root用户的开机口令,如下图所示。然而,重要的是要有一个可靠的密码本,否则一切努力都将白费。在这个例子中,我成功破解了我的root密码,它是h3ll0。

zip2john > passwd.hash


john passwd.hash


命令如下:zip2john 文件名.zip > passwd.hash

命令如下:john passwd.hash



破解模式的具体方法      破解的密码长度       所包含的字符
Incremental:all         0-8                  All 95 printable ASCII characters
Incremental:all15       0-5                  All 95 printable ASCII characters
Incremental:all6        6                    All 95 printable ASCII characters
Incremental:all7        7                    All 95 printable ASCII characters
Incremental:all8        8                    All 95 printable ASCII characters
Incremental:alpha       1-8                  A-Z     纯大写字母
Incremental:digits      1-8                  0-9     纯数字
Incremental:lanman      0-7		    A-Z, 0-9, and some special characters   大写字母,数字加一些特殊字符
--single[=SECTION[,..]]    "single crack" mode, using default or named rules
--single=:rule[,..]        same, using "immediate" rule(s)
--wordlist[=FILE] --stdin  wordlist mode, read words from FILE or stdin
                  --pipe   like --stdin, but bulk reads, and allows rules
--loopback[=FILE]          like --wordlist, but extract words from a .pot file
--dupe-suppression         suppress all dupes in wordlist (and force preload)
--prince[=FILE]            PRINCE mode, read words from FILE
--encoding=NAME            input encoding (eg. UTF-8, ISO-8859-1). See also
                           doc/ENCODINGS and --list=hidden-options.
--rules[=SECTION[,..]]     enable word mangling rules (for wordlist or PRINCE
                           modes), using default or named rules
--rules=:rule[;..]]        same, using "immediate" rule(s)
--rules-stack=SECTION[,..] stacked rules, applied after regular rules or to
                           modes that otherwise don't support rules
--rules-stack=:rule[;..]   same, using "immediate" rule(s)
--incremental[=MODE]       "incremental" mode [using section MODE]
--mask[=MASK]              mask mode using MASK (or default from john.conf)
--markov[=OPTIONS]         "Markov" mode (see doc/MARKOV)
--external=MODE            external mode or word filter
--subsets[=CHARSET]        "subsets" mode (see doc/SUBSETS)
--stdout[=LENGTH]          just output candidate passwords [cut at LENGTH]
--restore[=NAME]           restore an interrupted session [called NAME]
--session=NAME             give a new session the NAME
--status[=NAME]            print status of a session [called NAME]
--make-charset=FILE        make a charset file. It will be overwritten
--show[=left]              show cracked passwords [if =left, then uncracked]
--test[=TIME]              run tests and benchmarks for TIME seconds each
--users=[-]LOGIN|UID[,..]  [do not] load this (these) user(s) only
--groups=[-]GID[,..]       load users [not] of this (these) group(s) only
--shells=[-]SHELL[,..]     load users with[out] this (these) shell(s) only
--salts=[-]COUNT[:MAX]     load salts with[out] COUNT [to MAX] hashes
--costs=[-]C[:M][,...]     load salts with[out] cost value Cn [to Mn]. For
                           tunable cost parameters, see doc/OPTIONS
--save-memory=LEVEL        enable memory saving, at LEVEL 1..3
--node=MIN[-MAX]/TOTAL     this node's number range out of TOTAL count
--fork=N                   fork N processes
--pot=NAME                 pot file to use
--list=WHAT                list capabilities, see --list=help or doc/OPTIONS
--format=NAME              force hash of type NAME. The supported formats can
                           be seen with --list=formats and --list=subformats
