Chocolatey is a package manager tool designed specifically for Windows systems. It is based on NuGet and is similar to npm for Node.js, brew for MacOS, and apt-get for Ubuntu. It is commonly referred to as choco. The main goal of Chocolatey is to provide a decentralized framework that allows developers to quickly and easily install applications and tools as needed. You can find more information about Chocolatey on their official website.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
choco install autohotkey.portable #安装 AutoHotkey (Portable)
choco install nodejs.install #安装 node
choco install git.install #安装 git
choco install python #安装 python
choco install ruby #安装 ruby
choco install jdk8 #安装 JDK8
choco install googlechrome #安装 Chrome
choco install google-chrome-x64 #Google Chrome (64-bit only)
choco install firefox #安装 firefox
choco install notepadplusplus.install #安装 notepad++
choco install Atom #安装 Atom
choco install SublimeText3 #安装 SublimeText3